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Using the Tablets to create and import routes

Bus App Instructions

  1. Create A Driver Account


  1. Add a driver and add a contact email and click Save:

  1. Create a Route Builder account for this driver by clicking the “Create User” button: 

The driver will receive an email with a system-generated password to log in to the routing site as a Route Builder. Like any new user, she/he will be asked to change the password after the first login.

If you want the driver to use the Bus App only and do not need the driver to log into the routing site, you can manually change the password in the User settings. (The driver can use the system-generated password to log into the Bus App, but that password might be difficult to type in, so we suggest changing it into an easier password for the driver to use on the Bus App).

  1. Print Out Student QR Codes or Email Student QR Codes to Parents:


  1. Download and print out QR codes:

  1. Email QR codes to parents:


  1. Build a trip:
    1. log in:

  1. Click Build A Trip. (if there is a window ask you to select a bus, click “Cancel” first. Then you can click “Build A Trip” 






  1. Create New Routes and add New Trips (Name only) use

  1. Click the “+” sign  and then click the “Add A Stop” to add a stop


  1. If you have the student QR code, no need to click the “Add A Stop”. Please click the scan icon on the top right corner. Then scan a QR code. The stop will be added automatically and the student assigned to this stop will be kept.

  1. When you finish adding stops, go back to Trip page and click Submit. You can review the trips you created before submitting them.


  1. View the submitted routes in the Routing site: 

Check them in New Route Requests:




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