When you click on the profile button in the top right, the second option is Users. Here you can see the list of users that have already been created. To create a new user, click on Add in the top bar. You can enter the new user’s Display Name, First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Below this, you can assign the user a role.
Each role has different permissions and access to the site. You can select one of the roles from this list or, if you need a role with more specific permissions, create a new one. To do that, go back to the profile button and select Roles. You can edit your previously created roles, or create a new one by clicking on Add. After you name the new role, you can select the schools that this role can access.
In order to change the permissions that your new role has, you will once again need to click the profile button, then go down to Security. Here you can select your role and choose whichever permissions you would like that role to have.
Now that you have a new role with all of the appropriate permissions, you can assign that role to a user.
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