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Search and Add Bus Schedules

If a student does not currently have a bus schedule, you can click ‘search and add bus schedule’, which will provide a set of options for the student’s bus schedule automatically. If no routes are found for the student, you can click on ‘add planned or new stops to a route to assign a student to an existing route that doesn’t currently stop at this stop. These routes will be listed with an estimated duration increase in the overall trip. Once you have selected the trips you would like the student to take, simply click ‘accept’.

For Students with Transportation Plans

For Students with Transportation Plans, click on the ‘bus schedules’ menu under the student. Click on the button that says ‘search and add bus schedule’. While searching for routes, you can use the weekday checkboxes to filter for only routes applicable for those days. If no existing routes are found, you can check the ‘add planned stop to a route’ box and the system will populate with potential schedules, along with the overall route duration increase. Click on the route you would like to assign to the student, and then click the green accept button to save your changes.

For Students without Transportation Plans

For Students without Transportation plans, this function allows you to select stops within walking distance or create a new stop on the map.


After you pick up the stop, the system will populate with potential schedules, along with the overall route duration increase. When you save the schedule, the system will add both the student and stop to the route automatically.

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