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New / Change Requests

When you click on the profile button, there is an option in the drop-down menu called New/Change Requests. Here, you are able to see all of the requests that have been submitted by the Student Information System (SIS) or by students’ parents. There are several variations of requests that will be displayed in the list below.

If the request is for a new student, you will see a checkmark in the Is New column. These requests could come from the SIS or from the student’s parent.

If you see a yellow caution sign in the Transportation Review Needed, it could be for one of several reasons. The student may have had a change of address, change of school, or a parent made a transportation request.

If the request is to change the student’s transportation schedule, there will be a checkmark in the Transportation Requested column.

If the request is to remove the student’s transportation schedule, there will be a checkmark in the Remove Transportation Request column.

Above the list is a breakdown of the number of overall requests, new requests, requests with transportation reviews needed, and linkable requests. You can also order the list by the student’s name or the request date by clicking on the column header for Student or Request Date.

In the event that a new student is added with a similar name to a student already in the system, this request may appear as a linkable request. If it turns out the new student does match the suggested existing account, you can choose to link the two accounts into one.

Under the Actions column, you will see options to View, Approve, or Decline the request. Clicking on view will bring up the details of the request. When looking at the details you can choose to Approve or Decline by clicking on the respective buttons in the top bar.

There is also an option to batch approve multiple requests at one time. You can select or unselect any of the individual requests then click the Approve Selected button. If you are unable to select an individual request because of a red caution sign, that is because that particular request is not able to be batch approved. This could be because there is a linkable student requested by the SIS or there is a new student request from the student’s parent. In either case, the request will need to be manually reviewed and approved.

If you do batch approve a group of requests, there is an easy way to find those students again. If you go to the Students tab and select Filter > General > Transportation Review Needed, you will see a filtered list of all students who require a transportation review. When you edit these students, a window will appear above their general information letting you know that this student needs a transportation review. Once you have reviewed the student’s transportation schedule and are satisfied that it is complete, you can check the box confirming you have made any necessary.


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