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School Boundaries

EZRouting provides various ways to draw school boundaries. After you open a school record, there are several options available under the BOUNDARY menu.

Edit Boundary

You can edit school boundaries manually by clicking the "Edit School Boundary"; You can left-click on the map to initial a dot and keep left-clicking to create more dots to consist of a polygon. You can double left click mouse to stop editing. For the existing school boundary, it will appear with circle points that can be removed or dragged. Click on the Save button to save your boundary changes.

It might be a minor inconvenience if you draw a school boundary from scratch. In this case, you can download the school boundary from findmyschool.us. Before you download, map the school record to a school at FindMySchoo.us. Then you can download the school boundary.

Map School

The boundary data from FindMySchool.us is from the national center for Education Statistics. Some school boundary data might be unavailable. In this case, you can contact the EZRouting support team and provide boundary data like pictures, PDFs, or electronic maps with us. We will convert the boundary data into a GEOJSON file which can be imported to the EZRouting system.

Upload Boundaries to FindMySchool.us:
Sometimes, districts will provide their school boundary data and that data is not already in the FindMySchool system, or the data currently there is not up to date. If desired, these boundaries can be uploaded to FindMySchool. The function can be found under the operation menu on the school tab main page. Simply select the appropriate school from the dropdown menu, then click ‘upload’ at the bottom of the page.

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