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Student Tab Overview

The first tab available in the EZRouting site is the student tab. This is where you can view specific students or specific groups of students, see where they live, edit student information, and set the student’s transportation plan and bus schedule.

Student List Page

On the student list page, there is a general hub for most every menu you'd like to access. On the left you will see specific student points you are working with. Whereas on the right you will see a map overview of these student points you are working with.

A typical student data entry will look like this: When you hover over the three dots next to the student’s name, these five icons will appear. From left to right, they are student sheet, send message to this student, delete student, edit student location, and edit student. The edit student button (pencil icon) will be the most frequently used.



There are many symbols/indicators appearing next to student's basic information. These icons provide you with related transportation information at a glance.


Below are all icons shown on student list page and their meanings in EZRouting.


Menu Bar

On the student list page, EZRouting has six dropdown menus and one search bar. This is the general hub for most every menu you’d want to access.


  1. Filters – provides a wide variety of ways to filter students flexibly;
  2. Schools – filter students by certain school(s);
  3. Grades – filter students by certain grade(s);
  4. Vehicles – filter students by certain vehicle(s);
  5. Operations – provides many student-related functions;
  6. Reports – generate reports containing specific student information for a vast array of different needs;
  7. Search bar – Search student by typing name, ID, contact phone number, or address.

Student Record Page

After you open one student record by clicking on the pencil icon, you will be given a wide variety of fields that you can view and/or edit.


The first of these is ‘general’ where general student information can be viewed and edited, including student name, student ID, student grade and school, and any special modifications the student requires, such as an IEP or bus aide.


The next menu available is ‘addresses. This enables you to view the student’s primary and/or mailing and/or secondary address. Each address can be given a nickname, and the walking distance from this address to the student’s school is displayed.

Transportation Plans

Next is the ‘transportation plans’ menu, which enables the user to choose the pickup and drop-off stops a student “should” have along with an estimated time of when the student should be picked up. These transportation plans enable the user to be flexible in how often the plan repeats (weekly, monthly, etc.) and provide a date range for when this transportation should take place.

Bus Schedules

The ‘bus schedules’ menu shows what trips the student will actually take on any given day. These trips are color-coded in a provided calendar with details below, like this:

On the map, orange dots are stops. Blue dots are students’ addresses. Pink dots are the students attending school.
If a student does not currently have a bus schedule, you can click ‘search and add bus schedule’, which will provide a set of options for the student’s bus schedule. If no routes are found for the student, you can click on ‘add a planned stop to a route’ to add the student’s stop to an existing route that doesn’t currently stop at this stop. These routes will be listed with an estimated duration increase in the overall trip. Once you have selected the trips you would like the student to take, simply click ‘accept’.


The ‘contacts’ menu provides both a student’s primary contact and other contacts listed with the student. From here, it is easily seen if the phone number a contact has on file is a cell phone, and if it can receive text messages. It is also easily viewed if there is an email address on file for the student.

Related Links: how to send real-time notifications https://youtu.be/w9pAtobjmSc

Student Info

In the ‘Student Info’ section, you can add comments and critical alerts for students. You can also create medical and equipment needs for a student that will be selectable.

Ridership History

(The section is integrated with SafeDrive360 App.)
This section provides actual data of what bus or buses the student has ridden. This can be viewed in calendar view (by default) or by list view by clicking the ‘list view’ button.

User Defined Fields

Clients have the option to add certain additional fields they would like to keep track of. In this section, client-created UDFs are available for review or to be changed. UDFs can take the form of a checkbox, dropdown menu, text, date, and number. When you are done modifying a student’s UDF menu, click ‘save’.


This section is provided so that schools may attach important relevant documentation about students to their student profiles. These can be attached by clicking the ‘file’ button, and comments for the upload can be added. You can then click ‘upload’ to add the attachment to the student’s profile.
Additionally, you may view attachments by clicking on their name, edit attachments by clicking on the pencil icon and delete attachments by clicking on the trash can.

Change Request HistoryThe change request history is provided to see when students have required an update to their transportation plan and/or bus schedule. The history includes several pieces of information, including who requested the change, when it was requested if this is a new student and the status of the request.
More details of the change request can be seen by clicking the ‘view’ button on the right.

Communication History

The communication history is provided to see all forms of communication that have been sent from our system to a student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s). In this tab, you can see the type of message (text or email), where and when the message was sent, and the contents of the message.

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